Friday 28 October 2016

Beauty and the train

While staring at my computer screen earlier today at work, I saw a headline on the BBC news site that caught my attention as it appeared to relate to Rule 18 (ladies applying make up on the train).   Curious I clicked on it.  The article is about how a Japanese train company is trying to persuade ladies to not do their make up on the train and is causing some controversy it seems.

The video is one in a series designed to educate passengers on train etiquette and features two female commuters applying mascara and lipstick.  A fellow passenger watching them whispers "ugly to see" and then tells them off (strangely this involves some form of dancing in front of them). 

Some passengers are not happy about being dictated to in this way.  Personally I can't see the problem:  I love being elbowed by women applying their mascara and getting their powder blown all over me.  But what do you think? (You will probably need to read the article as well as watching the video, unless of course you can speak Japanese!)