Saturday 18 April 2015

Rule 8 - phone conversations

In the last week I have heard many private phone conversations taking place very loudly while travelling to and from work, including the lawyer having a conversation with her client about his arrest for drug possession (luckily for her she didn't mention anything which could identify him).  But the best example is that which a bus driver friend overheard whilst at work yesterday.  I have copied the text exactly as he reported it (with his permission of course):

As much as you think your phone call is private...

 You are on a bus full of people..

 Shouting your mouth off and having what you think is a private conversation really isn't...

 For instance...

 I don't think anyone wanted to know that Sarah on the second floor gave John from the IT department a bj on her lunch break... Especially the girl eating her McDonald porridge 2 seats away from you..."
Of course, he is wrong and everyone did want to know that obviously.

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