Friday 17 April 2015

On a serious note

Regular readers of this blog will know that it is a light hearted look at those things our fellow commuters do on a daily basis that really annoy us. And let's face it, who can honestly say that they have not observed at least one of these rules?

Today though an article published by one of my local papers brings to our attention something that is definitely NOT acceptable. 

 Here the rule is exactly what I say. This behaviour should be reserved for the privacy of your own home. I hope none of my readers would do this and if you have been on the receiving end of this behaviour (or ever are in the future) please make sure that you report it to the police - you can laugh at their appendages afterwards!

I have to say though, the comments on this article are amusing but please don't let them detract from the serious nature of what is being reported. 

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