Monday, 16 February 2015


I love umbrellas on my daily commute. Umbrellas are very useful items when used correctly. Did you think they were just to keep the rain off of you? Well that's what I thought until I started commuting. 

I have learnt that they can be used as a weapon - the golfing umbrella is best for that as it has the big spike on the end to stab unsuspecting passersby with when you are using it as a walking stick (or a swagger stick) but the "City gent" style also works.  I have had many bruises and ruined tights from being stabbed by an umbrella.  And don't forget the ones that nearly take your eye out as people turn around and forget that they are slightly wider due to having an extension over their heads. 

Then there are the brollies that are used to ensure that no-one sits next to you in the train or bus. Of course, the umbrellas used in this instance must be wet to ensure that the seat gets wet so no-one will want to sit on a wet seat. 

My favourite though is the ones that protect you from the air and the phantom rain. You know the ones don't you - they come out when there is just a hint of moisture in the air, although it's not actually raining. 

Share your commuting umbrella stories with me in the comments or on Twitter @MoaningMinx

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