32. If you get the the tube barriers and find you have no money on your card you may go to the front of the queue after topping up. All the queuing you did beforehand counts.
33. If you are issued with an emergency ticket on the bus you must not take it and must look at the driver as if they are speaking Martian when they try to explain. Remember not to top up afterwards - see Rule 31.
34. Do not have your ticket ready when you get on the bus/get to the barriers. The people behind you are in no rush while you search your bag/pockets and the buses/trains don't have to stick to their timetable!
35. If your Oyster or contactless payment card is rejected you must keep tapping in - it will work eventually even if you have no money! Similarly your paper ticket will eventually let you through - it's only a monthy out of date so that's acceptable right?
36. Remember to keep your Oyster and contactless cards together. The machines are clever and know which one you want to use that day.
37. At stations you must wait for the barriers to complete close behind the person in front of you before you insert your ticket or tap in/out. They won't work unless you do.
38. If a ticket inspector gets on. You must take your time finding your ticket - even though you may have had it only 20 seconds ago.
39. No barriers to go through? Then you don't have to tap out at the little pod thing. The system is clever enough to work out where you got off and charge you the right amount.
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